standby cooling câu
I need a tow and forensics team on standby.Tôi cần một cái xe kéo và một đội pháp lý sẵn sàng. I won't make master as a standby.Anh kh...

hot standby
Cisco Systems has Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP).Tất cả các Interface đều hỗ trợ Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP). Cisco Systems ...

standby battery
The Nokia 2720 classic flip phone comes with 4G support and 27 days of standby battery life.Điện thoại nắp gập cổ điển Nokia 2720 có hỗ...

standby block
The other 0.75% (7,500,000) will be shared amongst all block producers and standby block producers – based on how many votes they recei...

standby computer
The system included provision for a standby computer in case one of them failed at a vital moment.Hệ thống này bao gồm một máy tính dự ...

standby condition
Duration of Operation:96 hours in standby condition followed by a minimum 8 hours of transmission while being continuously interrogated...

standby lighting
Emergency lighting is a general bw and is sub-divided into emergency escape lighting and standby lighting.Đèn khẩn cấp là một thuật ngữ...

standby ticket
This is because there is a very good chance you won't be able to get a standby ticket.Và có một cơ hội rất tốt là bạn sẽ không nhận đượ...

standby time
This difference affects the calculated standby time.Điều này ảnh hưởng đến tính toán thời gian hoàn vốn. Standby time: Up to 10 days (...

The storm may have caused a malfunction to the primary cooling system.Cơn bão có thể gây ra sự cố đến hệ thống làm mát chính. They use...

standby letter of credit
Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC): Thư tín dụng dự phòng (Standby letter of Credit SBLC): Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC):Thư tín dụng ...

standby power source
There shall be at least two power sources for the power supply of a fire detection and fire alarm system; the main power source and the...

standby power supply
It is used as a good standby power supply.Nó được sử dụng như một nguồn cung cấp năng lượng cao. 5.7 Standby Power Supply.5.7 Hiện trạ...

hot standby router protocol (hsrp)
Cisco Systems has Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP).Tất cả các Interface đều hỗ trợ Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP). Cisco Systems ...

adiabatic cooling
Rising magma also undergoes adiabatic cooling before eruption, particularly significant in the case of magmas that rise quickly from gr...

after cooling
After cooling to 15 – 22C, the yoghurt is ready for packing.Sau khi làm mát 15-22 c, sữa chua là sẵn sàng để đóng gói. After cooling, ...

air cooling
Immediately after air cooling, temper at 600C for at least two hours.Ngay sau khi được làm mát, ủ ở 600C trong ít nhất hai giờ. Fresh ...

It was an air-cooling 120 hp diesel engine Mitsubishi A6120VD.Động cơ diesel làm mát bằng không khí Mitsubishi A6120VD It was an air-c...

artificial cooling
Recessed terraces were integrated along the hotel’s facade that shade rooms during the summer, replacing artificial cooling systems.Phầ...

atmospheric cooling
The agency is studying the effects of smoke at this altitude and whether it provides “a net atmospheric cooling or warming”.Cơ quan này...

automatic cooling
With automatic cooling system associated with hair removal windows will ensure absolute safety for customers, avoiding pain or skin dam...

auxiliary cooling
The air produced by these units is usually very hot and oily—difficult to clean and dry unless some sort of auxiliary cooling and filte...

body cooling
Natural body cooling at night helps you lower your cortisol levels.Cơ thể được làm mát tự nhiên trong đêm sẽ giúp bạn làm giảm cortisol...

clinker cooling
Most of the heat given o during clinker cooling is recovered for use in the production process.Phần lớn nhiệt lượng tỏa ra trong quá tr...

comfort cooling
Keep in mind that we have been talking so far only about comfort cooling.Xin nói ngay rằng chúng ta cứ bàn vấn đề đa đảng thoải mái Th...